Early one morning, after I moved to Sedona, Arizona in 2000 to recover from ill health, I was awakened by words swirling within me. I tried to discard the endless barrage, but the words refused to leave.
I surrendered. I left my bedroom for a seat at my desk. Astonished! The words not only continued but
increased their cadence.
As I wrote, shimmering white golden triangles danced onto the paper and love permeated me. I wrote the words exactly as I felt/heard them through the dancing light triangles. Each word built upon each other to form the many sentences of beauty.
Love carried me on, but soon my physical body needed a break. I stopped. The next morning I was once again greeted with the sacred words.
My life continued this way for several months. Until one day the words stopped, and I stopped. After a long rest, I typed the sacred words into my computer. I had written 725 pages.
In time, I came to understand that the sacred words I was given are the language of Light and Love.
Most languages speak to our minds. Language in its present grammatical form, keeps our minds locked in the control of social conditioning of our culture. The use of shame guilt behaviors is the cornerstone or structure that makes social conditioning possible. We are locked in a trance of mediocrity.
When our mind dominates, we ONLY hear what our culture is telling us. Our heart and soul remain silent. Without our heart-soul connection, we live robotically, controlled by others without the light and love of our souls.
However, Light Language is the language of the dimensions of love and light. Light and love by its nature speaks to our heart and soul and will re-establish their connection.
The split between our hearts and souls will repair itself.