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Healing Depression

I had three miscarriages. One lost pregnancy was at 7 months. Finally, I birthed three beautiful girls Healing from my miscarriages How to become pregnant when ovulation is only a few times a year The emotional impact of infertility Divorced children at three years, four years, six years Maintaining the father figure for my girls after divorce Experience with in-laws after divorce How to emotionally heal from an abusive childhood while parenting How to parent with 30 yrs. of migraine headaches due to childhood brain traumas The emotional and physical pains weighed on me. How not to use shame and guilt in raising my daughters. Today I am a shame guilt educator, counselor, filmmaker, and author to heal myself and now to help others heal. We can take out the shame guilt behaviors in parenting. I would be honored to be your guest to tell my story of hope and how to avoid the use of shame guilt (not shame and guilt) in infertility and parenting. Lois is a shame guilt educator, counselor, filmmaker, author

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Today with us we have the amazing Lois Hollis, shame/guilt educator and film maker who has just celebrated her 79th birthday and looking forward to her rollerblade party at 80.
She coined the term Shame-Guilt and will be sharing how she moved from being told she had 2 years left to live when she was 55 to the youthful vibrant 79 year old she is today.

Last week Lois celebrated her 79 birthday and looks forward to her special birthday at the rollerblade ring next year at 80. Her grandson taught her how to rollerblade a few years ago and they have been having fun ever since.
Lois says that she is enjoying her life especially since she was given a death sentence at 55 because of her childhood injuries from abuse, heart and liver failure, and brain traumas.
Today Lois is busy with podcasts and sessions informing others how not to live in shame and guilt. Lois coined the word shame guilt. She attributes her good health from learning how to release, get out of shame guilt, and make friends with her inner critic.
Lois has been juicing green vegetables for 20 years and says this is the antidote to aging.





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What is shameguilt?

Lois Hollis, RN BSN REV, shifts our opinion on one of the most forbidden subjects, shame and guilt. Depression, anxiety, 30 years of migraine headaches, and pain were Lois’ life until she learned the dangers of shameguilt (not shame and guilt.) She shares her 15 years’ experience as a ShameGuilt Educator, Counselor, Filmmaker to offer health and spiritual maturity. Lois entered the health field as a Nurse’s Aide at 12 and continues today at 78. As a trailblazer, she developed one of the first Kidney Hemodialysis centers in the USA. Today, she establishes shameguilt as an independent study. Lois’ film Out of Discord Into Harmony teaches us HOW to communicate with emotions and inner critic. “I’M Good Film” makes shameguilt visible to illustrate its trickery and how to kick it out. She is the author of three books and podcasts. “Now is The Time,” a collection of her soul readings, helps us stop the negative shameguilt energy.

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Sleeping Beauty

Let’s compare shame guilt to the tale of Sleeping Beauty.

Instead of pricking our finger on a spinning wheel, we get pierced by an abusive incident. The shame guilt poison from the abuse enters us and changes our positive emotions and thoughts to negative ones. Our compassion turns to depression, our passion turns to anger, etc. We unknowingly enter a hypnotic trance of unworthiness and fear. Sleeping Beauty, our logical mind goes to sleep, and the shame guilt controls us.  

We awaken to our worthiness when we discover our healthy self, who is the Prince Charming of this tale. Prince Charming, our healthy self, accepts our negative emotions and our unworthiness with his kiss of love. Prince Charming’s loving acceptance awakens us to our own love and beauty. We remove the shame guilt and together come out of the darkness of unworthiness and sadness. Prince Charming, our healthy self, reminded us that we are good and lovable.  

We live happier ever after, and so do our emotions.

It is highly unlikely that a single abusive event could place us into a hypnotic trance. Nevertheless, this tale will help us understand the destructive power of shame guilt and how their hypnotic power controls us. 

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